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Season of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has become the time to show appreciation and celebration of family, health and good fortune. Expressing gratitude when caregiving, can be very challenging, especially as a loved one is declining physically and mentally. Too often we become focused on what has been lost physically, mentally and emotionally; that we fail to recognize that there are still things that we should be thankful and grateful for. Being grateful refocuses us, on the positives we encounter. At times we fail to recognize the simple gestures extended to us, it may be a friend who calls or sends regular greeting cards, someone who brings a meal or assists with a chore or task that we are unable to perform. The acts of “goodness” and kindness, expressed towards us are humbling; they stop us forcing us to acknowledge that we have “forgotten” to appreciate the goodness around us. On this Thanksgiving take the opportunity to reflect on all that is good and kind around you, reach out to someone, return the kindness and acknowledge them for what they mean or do for you. May this be a time of blessings for you and your loved one.

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