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Bam! – You Are Now A Healthcare Surrogate

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Bam! – You Are Now A Healthcare Surrogate

Your loved one or friend has named you as their healthcare surrogate; the individual who will authorize medical care and treatment, and make all necessary healthcare decisions should the loved one become incapacitated due to illness. This role comes with extensive responsibilities, to ensure that you are acting in accordance with the individual’s wishes and in their best interests. You need to think not of your wishes, but what your loved one would want. If you have any reservations or concerns about performing the role, the reservations must be addressed promptly. Your loved one must have peace of mind knowing that whomever they appoint as their healthcare surrogate will act in their best interest, and do so with no reservations.

It’s Not About You

It’s not about the healthcare surrogate; it’s all about ensuring the best interests for your loved one. Always try to look at things through your loved one’s eyes. Don’t just do what you would do if you had this illness or condition. Don’t let your distress about what is happening with your loved one result in you tell the doctors to do something that you know your loved one would not want.

Think about their medical condition, and how they would want to be treated. Hopefully, you have discussed their wishes and preferences before a crisis situation surfaces, so you already know what are your loved one’s preferences.

Realize that there may be another representative appointed to address the non-healthcare and financial interests of the loved one. Critically consider if you can work collaboratively as healthcare decision maker with the other individual named to protect the financial welfare of the loved one. A disservice will be done to the loved one when the healthcare and financial surrogates cannot collaboratively ensure that the loved one’s wishes are followed.

Be Prepared For The Role

At the time of being named as a healthcare surrogate, you need to know your loved one’s medical status.

End-Of-Life Preferences

Many times the healthcare surrogate assumes the role to address end-of-life care. This typically happens when there is a crisis situation and quick decision making is needed. This is the time when knowing and following the loved one’s advanced directive and planning wishes takes center stage.

The Job Description

Key responsibilities and duties of the healthcare surrogate (there is always something else you may have to address). There may be some modifications to the role based on State statutes; the following is a general guide:


Home Hospice Navigation: The Caregiver’s Guide

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