Podcasts and Interviews
Take a few minutes to hear Judith talk about the book’s inspiration, home hospice caregiving, and how to support caregivers. Hear her passion and conviction to empower caregivers.
Let’s Talk Home Care with Aishling (EPISODE 14 – HOME HOSPICE JOURNEY). We’re talking about what is Hospice and how it affects caregivers.
Personal Touches Video Series with Erin Cohen
Judith discusses with Erin how to have the critical conversations with our loved ones. They also talk about the essential documents that everyone needs to have and share with their families.
Loving Life with Dr. Tim Weir
Thanks so much to Dr. Tim Weir and his show Loving Life with Dr. Tim Weir for featuring me, and my efforts supporting caregivers. It was wonderful to share the driving force for Home Hospice Navigation: The Caregiver’s Guide. The role of the caregiver is constantly changing and evolving, these individuals need “just in time” information and resources.
Wellness Resource Support Ask an Expert: Hospice Care with Judith Sands, RN
Listen to Robyn Maniscalco interview Judith about key aspects of hospice care that individuals and caregivers need to know to best navigate the hospice journey. She also discusses the importance of Advance Directives, and questions to ask when speaking with a hospice representative to minimizing surprises.
Wellness Resource Support LLC
Telephone: 201-771-3373
[email protected]
Jewish Scared Aging
Rabbi Richard F. Address, D.Min. is the Founder and Director of www.jewishsacredaging.com. In his January 4, 2019 podcast he talks with Judith about Home Hospice Navigation.
End of Life and Caregivers hosted by the North Carolina Medical Society
WRAL Aging Well: Personal experience guides author to tackle home hospice navigation 6/18/2018 TV Interview
WRAL Aging Well
Artist First: Radio interview with Judith Sands
5/22/2018 Interview
Aging Matters “Care and Comfort That Surrounds You”
5/21/2018 Interview

Don’t delay, order your copy of
Home Hospice Navigation: The Caregiver’s Guide today!