Modesty in Healthcare: Privacy Needed

The lack of modesty protection in healthcare is a troubling issue; a barrier keeping patients from seeking care and treatment. The lack of modesty protection is especially challenging for individuals who have suffered from sexual assaults and physical disfigurement/deformity. They are not alone; those with strong religious/cultural beliefs relating to modesty, children and teens, individuals transitioning, and those with poor body image and are prone to embarrassment are also challenged. Unfortunately, privacy in healthcare is in short supply and


Immunization guilt, a new phenomenon

Immunization guilt, a growing phenomenon of individuals expressing remorse that they got vaccinated, before others they feel are more worthy. Feelings of unworthiness must be countered, as they are healthcare professionals and the vulnerable helping the population towards herd immunity.


Vaccine Envy: Where’s Mine?

Vaccine envy is a new social trend impacting relationships due to feelings of jealousy and resentment that others are getting the vaccine before you. Resentment over administration prioritization, vaccine availability, and long wait times are driving a wedge in relationships. Where’s my vaccine?

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Hope is a Four-Letter Word

Hope is individual optimism, keeps us getting up in the morning, caring for ourselves and others. Hope is vital to survival, despite hardship, we anticipate a brighter outcome. Resilient individuals tend to hope more; they anticipate current challenges becoming lighter, and looking forward to the return of “brightness.”

Read more about the article Anticipatory Grief: The Space Between
Photo by Judith R. Sands

Anticipatory Grief: The Space Between

Anticipatory grief, the set of feelings associated with an impending loss. Anticipatory grief occurs when a death is expected, but before it actually happens. It helps caregiver, family members, and friends prepare emotionally for the pending loss. Culture and religion can influence how individuals address anticipatory grief.

Read more about the article Flu and COVID-19: A Dicey Combination
Flu Vaccine Benefits

Flu and COVID-19: A Dicey Combination

Getting your flu vaccine is more important than ever this year. This is especially true for caregivers whose loved ones depend on them. Flu vaccine can reduce flu illnesses, doctors’ visits, hospitalizations and been shown to be life-saving. This is a very important step that you can take to decrease the chance of getting the flu, especially since COVID-19 is another risk factor.

Read more about the article Your Grief Journey Is Unique
Photo by Judith R. Sands

Your Grief Journey Is Unique

One’s grief journey is unique and personal. Your sense of loss is impact by a variety of factors, and no two losses will be grieved in the same way. One does not have to navigate grief alone; there are resources and supports to get through the process. Stay connected! Take advantage of assistance and resources, to help you manage the pain on your grief journey.

Read more about the article Caregivers and “Lucky Life”
Photo by Toby Tabachnick, Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle

Caregivers and “Lucky Life”

The award winning and captivating words of Pittsburgh’s Gerald Stern poem “Lucky Life”, serve as a balm for caregivers. Stern reminds us that life is made up of so many different feelings and memories. Caregivers can find relief from stress through his words!


Health Conditions and Sudden Symptoms Don’t Break for COVID-19

Staying healthy is vital; don’t delay getting time-sensitive medical care, or ignore a sudden change in condition. Addressing changes in medical conditions early and promptly responding to a medical emergency improves your outcome. This is especially important if you are the caregiver, and your loved one is depending on you. Look after both your mental and physical health; be sure to do something nice for yourself each day.